Another day, Another year

So here I am on the edge of turning 31…. Who would have guessed that day will come? Well pretty much every one, but I guess I was hoping it will come later rather than sooner!

So what wisdom has the 30 + category brought me? I guess I have learn that getting married works! That you can quit smoking with the right motivation! That you should never give up, life can be difficult but when it’s throwing you lemon, throw them back to it.
Well, in life like in the kitchen, you learn from your mistake. The last year has been very emotional for a lot of reasons. I decided that next year will be different. I guess I reach a time of my life where I realize that life is complicated enough, so let’s try to limit the drama. I never really had any new year resolution. I was always a firm believer that the best resolution is not to make any. But this year, on my birthday, I am going for it. A simpler life is the key for happiness, stripped of people who looks for drama and gives you heartache. To those people I am officially saying goodbye!
Overall I am glad I have someone like my hubby that stands next to me to help me through it. I know you’re thinking I am cheesy and overselling, but Paul is my rock of patience and understanding. I am probably overselling it because I never believed in marriage, and he pretty much made me do a backflip on this one!

So here it is, a new day a new year added to my mileage, but you know why I am excited. 31 sounds like it’s going to be the most exciting year yet! So bring it on, I am ready for you! And keep on throwing me lemon, and I’ll make the sweetest most delicious lemon tart you ever tasted!

In the meantime I will enjoy my wonderful weekend at the Q station
